I HATE COD!!!!!!!!!!!!

by u/Redditorsion (11-25-21)

Hello nerds.

Let me begin this rant by asking you a question: do you know this guy who owned a YouTube channel called "ELPRESADOR"?

Chances are, you probably don't. And that's okay, because his channel got taken down years ago and nowadays he rants about football (talk about nerd shit). But back in the day, he was BIG. And not just in penile size, but just with his channel.

Besides his crazy IRL videos, he would often record himself playing COD, be it Black Ops 1, or the ill-faded Ghosts, or really anything up until ~2016 - 2017 (from my acknowledgement). In his COD videos, though, he would always go on tirades about really any type of player: campers, quickscopers, tryhards... you name it.

While most people would just laugh at ELPRESADOR's rage for his overreaction to anything... I would argue that his rage is fully justified. Really, ELPRESADOR - like millions of players from around the world - fell victim to Call of Duty's (atleast, the Multiplayer side's) groundbreaking issue (atleast one that I feel is evident). Let me give my side of things.


Okay, now I'm going to give a really retarded take that I want you to... uhh... take in. I don't like COD's atmosphere today.

If you've played any of the recent COD's, you'll know exactly what I'm going to explain here; for those that don't, let me introduce you to the worst matchmaking system known to mankind: Skill Based MatchMaking. Present in EVERY COD title since 2019 (with Modern Warfare), this broken system essentially makes it so that the "tryhard" meter gets cranked to a million, and damn near everyone - be it your teammates or especially opponents, or even your fucking grandma who plays COD - is now a full-on sweat. The moment you try and do good in COD, you'll get pushed back HARD to a lobby full of COD League-esque players; the moment you don't do so good, you'll be placed with the worst players in the world.

Now, here's the thing: I'm a huge advocate for learning things hands-on. In the case of COD, I firmly believe that people should be thrown into a lobby where they've got trash-talkers, and also newbies. I just think that, in this case, things should be mixed up a bit. If you're in a lobby full of newcomers, the game won't be fun because the game's too easy. If you're in a lobby full of sweats, the game won't be fun because the game's too difficult. There's a sweet-spot that the older COD's easily maintained... so why is this so hard to accomplish today?


There's a group of people that I might actually despise more than campers, tryhards, quickscopers, or nerds... and that would have to be the vocal crowd in COD's community.

Every time a new COD game gets announced, more often-than-not you're going to see people SCRAM to YouTube to express their hatred for the latest game. Infinite Warfare is a good example of what I mean.

When the game first got announced, people were CLOWNING ON IT. People left and right would point and laugh at Infinite Warfare, and call it a huge pile of dookie. And the game's at-launch reception and sales reflected the COD community's (nearly-universal) hatred of Infinite Warfare. Me personally, I think Infinite Warfare was pretty bad, and it's good that game was quickly forgotten about.

But now, years later.. you've got people all over YouTube (and other platforms) saying "Infinite Warfare wasn't so bad". People are saying "Why did people hate on this game? This was actually pretty good!!!!"

Shut the fuck up.

You and I know that Infinite Warfare was bad. Sales were bad, reception was mixed at best... and NOW you're saying that the game was okay? But let me guess, you're going to argue that newer COD's have gotten worse... and to that, I'll argue that the games we have today aren't bad enough to the point where people SHOULD sympathize Infinite Warfare. Nobody liked the bullshit jetpack mechanics, or the AWFUL microtransactions... or really anything. Everything about that game (minus the campaign and like one Zombies map) was vomit-inducing.

The worst part is that these fuckheads don't ONLY defend Infinite Warfare. People on the main COD subreddit are now saying "You know... COD Ghosts [YES, GHOSTS] wasn't so bad... you know... it was just AmBiTiOuS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Here's an issue that doesn't get brought up so often: the newer COD's are all stale. Yes, Infinite Warfare and Ghosts was terrible, but the newer COD's are just... boring.

Since BOCW, each new standalone COD title has now been nothing more than an expansion for COD: Warzone. Warzone itself is an.. alright game, but it's evident that, from the main menus of these newer titles, to the new quality-standard they all have (especially regarding first-person animations), there's really a lack of originality here. Nothing about BOCW makes itself stand out from MW 2019, other than being slightly worse in its engine, animations, and just quality.

Nothing about these games have a time-frame or theme that sticks out. COD Vanguard just feels like MW 2019 but with people pretending to be WWII soldiers. God knows what's up with BOCW - I mean, the Mastercraft skins, the dreaded character models that don't even look... well, like they're from the Cold-War era.. can somebody remind me what time-frame this game takes place in?


You expected me to trash on Activision, so here ya go. For the sake of my own sanity, let's talk about a surface-level issue that that company possesess: its horrible time-frames for its developers. COD has always had a yearly-cycle, but it wasn't until now when this whole cycle is now starting to fall flat on it's face. BOCW is the worst example of Activision's horrible deadlines; with a game made in only nine months, the developers REALLY had to put in all they've got... only for the end-product to feel unfinished. Granted, I don't think it was the developer's faults, seeing that, for what they managed to do in only 9 months or so, their product is pretty respectable. It's just that, for a COD game, it's very low in the content department.

Over time, though, Treyarch added more content to their game, and now, over a year later after BOCW first came out, I can safely say that it's... an alright game. The base game is actually GREAT, but it's the Mastercraft system, the skins bullshit, and really all the usual Activision trash that comes with the game that I don't like.

But Activision didn't have to butt-rape Treyarch with BOCW - they also had to choke those poor developers with developing the Zombies mode for Vanguard.

So, with Vanguard only having one shitty Zombies map.. I think it's understandable. I feel very sorry for Treyarch, as, starting with BO4, they've been on a downward trend in quality. That's not to say that their newer titles are downright AWFUL, but it's clear that they haven't been given enough time to really come up with something spicy. I don't necessarily think that Treyarch is incapable of making good content these days; I REALLY like the Zombies maps they've made for BOCW (especially Firebase Z). I just think that they're given the shit-hand so often that they can't really go far with something before Activision gropes them.


Call of Duty sucks, and you should move on from it if you play it. There are FAR better games that can make you feel good, without the whole tryhard-Activision-raping that comes with COD. You're more than free to enjoy COD (and still buy their games at launch and whatnot), but just know that you're going to deal with a divisive community, a company that wants to suck as much money out of you, and having tryhard nerds push you down.

My advice? Go outside.

You don't need COD's multiplayer, King. If you're looking for something to do, play anything else (yes, ANYTHING else). The Zombies, Spec-Ops, and Campaigns in the COD series offer something unique for you to do. You don't need to always compare yourself to other people in the form of Multiplayer to have a good time.