Ballad of Caracals
I love caracals, caracals are funny animals with ears that make a floppy movement and humorous, But do you know what else I like?
ukraine is in all likelihood the #1 exporter of caracals, my favorite caracal was born in ukraine and I have found more caracals for sale in Ukraine than anywhere else. Ukraine is a funny country they speak an incomprehensible babble and create caracals thusly it is only fit that the two are combined to create ukrainian caracals, I personally think that if ukraine trained an army of 3000 caracals they could defeat the r*ssian menace and defeat them, combining the two funniest and coolest things ever, ukraine and caracals, is the greatest thing that could ever happen.
I often look at those funny flopper caracal images and have a hearty chuckle, and subsequently look at ukraine and have a good snigger as well, one day I decided that i would use the limits of my artistic liscence and create the funniest thing ever: a patriotic ukrainian caracal.
I have looked at this image for about 9 months, 27 days, 5 hours, 33 minutes, 12 seconds, and counting nonstop as a never ending stream of titters leaves my mouth, I cant stop laughing, its so funny to me, I love ukraine so much bro its like my favorite country and caracals are like my favoriute animal evar bro I just love ukraine it is my favorite country they have lots of agriculture and industry bro they are #1 greatest country ever and imagine how much their economy would grow if they expanded caracal production... dont tell anyone about this but I have some contacts in the SBU and theyre telling me some things... PROJECT:CARACAL NET conspiracy tame wild asian cat caracal hidden mutant army under our feet... volodymyr zelensky will end russia with army of unstoppable caracal serval GMO engineering... the day of caracal warfare will come and all pig orcs who threaten the sovereignty of ukraine
will be trampled in a stamped of 1,000,000,000 caracals